Have you ever learnt about "Anne of Greeen Gables"?
Many people have haeard about this story because this is well-known story of Canadian girl. There are so many books about Anne, but I have a special one which I got as a birthday present from my piano tutor.

In this book, there are many recipes of Canadian home-style dishes and hand made items. All of recipes are introduced with some episode with Anne's story. Through this book, you can enjoy Anne's growth as well as Canadian meals.
Today, I want to introduce a recipe of my favorite cake from this book which called "The cake of the Secret Forest"
This is told as Anne's very first confectionery making with Mallira who takes care of Anne with her brother. Marilla is good at cooking and sewing and always teach Anne about it. She seems a bit strict for Anne, but actually Mallira love Anne very much. Then, Mallira taught how to make "The cake of the Secret Forest" This cake is actually a fruit pound cake, but Anne called it like that because many fruits are hidden in this cake...So let's move on how to make it:)
The Ingredients...
raisin, orange&limon zest-60g
4eggs rum-Tbsp
baking powder-2Tbsp
some cinnamon, walnut, vanilla
you can add any other dried fruits if you want to make it original one.
1. Preheat the oven

As Mallira said in the story, we have to make sure that everything have to be ready untill we bake the cake. So this first step is not the only small thing, very important.
2. soak raisin in lukewarm water

raisins need to be softer in order to mix into the cake. If you add some dried fruits, you can soak in it at the same time. Some people might not be able to chew the cake without this process.
3. mix the butter&eggs whip them until creamy and light

you need some endurance with this step because it's quite hard and need lots of time to make it creamy.
4. add eggs

now you can add eggs one by one. but be careful! you have to make eggs separated with yellow part and white part. In this process, you'll need only yelow parts and put in it.
5. Fold the fruits&rum&brandy in

put dried fruits and raisin must be ready for being the part of the cake! so put them toghether with some cinnamon and brandy and rum. you might feel relaxed with smell of the cinnamon.
6. whip egg whites until foamy

have you ever done this process? I think this steps would be the most tough one of all of the steps. foamy eggs looks elegance but making it is quite hard. so, good luck!
7. fold egg whites in

after finishing your hardest work of the day, you need put them in it. please aware not to kill all of the foams of eggs.
8. add the flour and baking powder

It is the basic when you make any sweets that riddling any powder before mixing with other ingredients. when you need any powdered ingredients, it have to be sifted. This time is also shifted. If you want to make it delicious, you have to care every little thing;)
9. transfer into the baking tin

it's almost finished!! transfer which you've been working so hard to the tin. and decolate some cherry and nuts on the surface.
10. bake it bake the cake in the oven

for an hour. the tempreture of the oven has to be btwenn 170-180 you can enjoy how it goes.
Then eat it!!!!
you can add some fruits jam on it if you want:)
I hope you enjoyed it!
I love this book so much bcause my piano tutor is my former teacher.
She has been teaching piano for me since I was 4 years old. I took a piano lesson from her till 18 years old. I think she is my "Mallira". That's why I feel this story so familiar and love the scene of Anne and Mallira.
There are plenty of recipes of meals and items. If you are interested in it, I recommend you to read them. and please let me know which one became your special;)